Lights aren't really a Discus fish tank essential but you will want to show off your Discus and not keep them in the dark. If you're keeping it fish only and there are no plants to manage you really can keep it simple with the aquarium lights. Have the light on when you are around to view your fish, manage your lighting cycle according to that routine and what ever you need to control any algae. Just mind abrupt starting lights as you will scare these fish.
If you fancy plants there are some excellent plant lights around, some with the benefits of sunrise and dusk effects on timers linked to your mobile device. I cant recommend these type of lights enough. They are strong enough to grow plants successfully. Just remember most plants wont like the temperatures in a Discus tank. Growing plants requires a number of things to be in balance, lights being just one of those things. These LED lights come in a variety of sizes to fit most tanks and for the rimless look you can suspend them from the ceiling.
A level above that and your lights will start to get quite expensive but will grow your plants even better. Some of these lights can add a very pleasant shimmer to the tank, looking even more like natural light. Just remember though its a Discus tank, and they come first. If you want a full on planted set up that may be easier to achieve if you didn't have to attempt to accommodate a Discus and most plants wont like the temperature.
Recommended plants for Discus aquariums.
TOP TIP - Discus are very easily startled, even dimming a light a few percent can cause them to dash in all directions. So gradual fades on the lights are recommended.
TOP TIP 2 - If you have new fish or possible tank issues, turn the lights off for a day or two.
TOP TIP 3 - Try and provide some decor or cover that provides some secluded places, so they can choose to escape the full glare of a modern fish tank light.
Modern aquarium lights are now excellent and make growing plants easy